How to Get a Good Mindset to Lose Weight in Midlife

May 29, 2024


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I want to share an inspiring story about one of my clients, Ruth, from my Feminine Freedom Pathway group. This Trim Healthy coaching program is designed for women looking to make lasting changes in their weight loss journey, focusing on hormones, mindset, and exercise. It’s amazing to see the transformations that happen, and I’m blessed and honored to be part of this journey with them.


As a coach, I don’t claim to have everything figured out. I’m deeply involved in the real, day-to-day challenges that my clients face, just like the ones I encounter myself. Ruth has been with my program for almost six months, striving to balance her weight loss efforts with her hormones, mindset, and exercise. It’s not easy to dial in all these aspects quickly, and many of you can relate to the frustration of trying to do everything at once.


One of my clients recently shared that after a year and a half, she finally managed to get three key elements right: strategic eating, daily walking, and weight training. It took time, but she’s now seeing the scale move and feeling amazing. The journey to this point involved a lot of mindset work, practical strategies, and learning how to get back on track when life throws curveballs.


Ruth's story is a testament to this process. She had been making great progress, and I even had the pleasure of meeting her and her family in Nashville. However, like many of us, she faced setbacks—sickness, lack of motivation, and other life events. These challenges affected her results and motivation. 


The core of my coaching isn’t just about weight loss; it’s about developing the right mindset. It’s about staying motivated when you don’t feel like it and overcoming limiting beliefs and self-sabotaging thoughts. These are the real obstacles that keep us from making the decisions we need to achieve the results we want.


Ruth’s journey, with its ups and downs, highlights the importance of a strong mindset in the quest for weight loss and overall health. Through personalized coaching and a focus on mindset, she’s learning to navigate these challenges and stay on track.


How to Get a Good Mindset to Lose Weight

Importance of Mindset in Health and Weight Loss

Today, I want to share more about Ruth's journey. Ruth had been making significant progress, and I even had the chance to meet her in Nashville. We had a delightful breakfast together, and I got to meet some of her kids. It was a wonderful experience connecting with her in person. She was doing so well, but then, as often happens, life threw her a curveball. She faced sickness, a dip in motivation, and other challenges. Her progress stalled, and she started to lose her mojo.


In my coaching, I emphasize that it’s not just about weight loss; it’s fundamentally about mindset. Staying motivated, especially when you don’t feel like it, is crucial. Overcoming limiting beliefs and self-sabotaging thoughts is essential because these mental barriers often lead us to make decisions that derail our progress.


Ruth had been making excellent decisions and changes, feeling great about her journey. Then she hit a rough patch, which is totally normal. During one of our coaching calls, she admitted she wasn't sticking to what had been working for her. This is a common issue many face. I asked her, “What has been working for you? Are you still doing that?” Many of us know what works but struggle to keep doing it consistently.


I gave Ruth an assignment: to list her top five weight loss success strategies. She realized that focusing on overall health, not just weight loss, was more important. Together, we set goals and worked on these strategies. Life often gets in the way, and sometimes our mindset prevents us from doing what we know we should. Motivation fluctuates, but you don't need to feel motivated to make healthy choices. The key is consistency.


I explained to Ruth that motivation comes from our thoughts, not our actions. You can create motivating thoughts to drive your actions. During our coaching session, Ruth shared profound and practical insights that benefited everyone in our small group. Here’s what we discussed:


Challenges of Maintaining Motivation and Consistency

- Life’s ups and downs can affect your motivation.

- Consistency is challenging but essential for long-term success.

- Overcoming mental barriers is key to maintaining progress.


The Importance of Long-Term Commitment and Habits

- Focus on developing lifelong habits rather than quick fixes.

- Long-term commitment to health goals leads to sustainable results.

- Consistent, small changes accumulate to significant transformations.


By focusing on mindset, Ruth and others in the program learned to navigate their challenges and stay on track. This approach to health and weight loss emphasizes the importance of a strong, positive mindset in achieving lasting success.


Key Health Practices for Successful Weight Loss

The Role of Sugar in Midlife Weight Loss: Cutting It Out and Finding Alternatives

When it comes to achieving a good mindset for midlife weight loss, one of the first steps is to eliminate sugar from your diet. For many women, especially those in menopause and beyond, sugar is a major offender, contributing to belly fat and inflammation. Ruth, one of my clients, discovered this firsthand. She struggled with sugar and processed foods, which not only caused weight gain but also made her feel awful.


Impact on Inflammation and Weight Management

Sugar and white flour are notorious for causing inflammation, which can exacerbate weight gain and other health issues, particularly in midlife. If you're struggling with your weight during this stage of life, cutting out these culprits is crucial. For Ruth, the immediate benefits of saying no to sugar were clear—she felt better and started to see positive changes in her body.


Alternatives and Healthy Treat Options

But cutting out sugar doesn't mean you have to deprive yourself. It's all about learning to manage urges and finding healthy alternatives that satisfy your cravings without derailing your progress. I’ve covered this in a previous podcast, sharing tools and strategies that have been life-changing for many.


Instead of reaching for sugary snacks, you can enjoy a variety of healthy treats. For instance, a Trim Healthy Mama-approved dessert, keto-friendly chocolate like Lily's chocolate, or ChocZero products can be delicious substitutes. You might also try making a quick Miracle Mousse Makeover, a chocolate smoothie, or even a hot chocolate drink with optimized whey chocolate protein powder. Add a little cinnamon and vanilla for extra flavor, and you've got a party in your mouth!

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Preparation is key. Have your healthy treats ready to go, so you’re not tempted by sugar-laden foods. I have my own stash of healthy snacks, and while my kids often ask for them, I make sure to keep enough on hand for myself. For Ruth, the no-sugar rule was a game-changer. She realized she simply couldn’t handle sugar, so she made the decision to cut it out completely.


By focusing on these alternatives and understanding the impact of sugar on your body, you can develop a better mindset for midlife weight loss. Remember, it’s about making choices that serve your health and support your goals, even when temptations arise.

Overcoming Emotional Eating

Overcoming Emotional Eating for Midlife Weight Loss

One of the most important revelations in achieving a good mindset for midlife weight loss is understanding that food cannot fix emotional issues. For many women, emotional eating is a significant barrier to weight loss success. Ruth, a client in my Feminine Freedom program, experienced this firsthand. She realized that turning to food for comfort didn't address her emotional state or stress levels. This understanding was a game-changer for her—and it can be for you too.


Understanding That Food Cannot Fix Emotional Issues

Recognizing that food cannot solve your emotional problems is a crucial step. When you start to acknowledge your feelings and seek healthier alternatives, you make real progress towards your weight loss goals. Food might provide a temporary distraction, but it won't resolve the underlying issues. In fact, it often makes things worse, leading to feelings of regret and frustration that move you further away from your health goals.


Healthy Ways to Handle Stress and Emotions

To combat emotional eating, you need to develop healthy coping mechanisms.

Here are some effective strategies:

  • Processing Your Emotions: Take the time to understand and process your feelings. This might involve journaling, talking to a friend, or seeking professional help.
  • Physical Activities: Engage in activities like walking, yoga, or any form of exercise that helps you release stress and boost your mood.
  • Deep Breathing and Meditation: These practices can help calm your mind and reduce stress levels.
  • Communication and Setting Boundaries: Talk about your feelings and set boundaries to protect your emotional health. This might mean saying no to things that add unnecessary stress to your life.
  • Self-Care: Prioritize taking care of yourself. Whether it's a relaxing bath, reading a book, or spending time on a hobby, make sure you're nurturing your well-being.


I used to be a stress eater, so I understand how challenging it can be to break this habit. However, once you realize that food isn't the answer, you can start to count the cost of emotional eating. It might be hard to avoid comfort foods now, but it's much harder to deal with the regret and setback they cause. By shifting your mindset and adopting healthier habits, you can stay aligned with your health goals.


Ruth’s breakthrough moment resonated with our entire group. It was like a collective mic drop. The realization that food cannot fix emotional issues is powerful and liberating. It allows you to approach your midlife weight loss journey with a clearer, more focused mindset.


By understanding and overcoming emotional eating, you pave the way for a healthier relationship with food and a more successful weight loss journey in midlife. Remember, it's about finding healthier ways to handle stress and emotions, so you can stay on track with your goals.

Effective Nutritional Strategies for Midlife Weight Loss

 Consistent Eating Schedule

A consistent eating schedule is crucial for midlife weight loss. One key strategy is to eat every 3 to 4 hours without snacking in between. This means no bites, licks, or tastes (BLTs) outside of meal times. I personally prefer a 3.5 to 4-hour window between meals, as it allows adequate time for your body to burn through the current fuel and then tap into stored fuel.


Here’s how to structure your day:

  1. Breakfast, lunch, snack, and dinner: Aim for four doses of protein throughout the day.
  2. 20-40 grams of protein per meal: Consistency with protein intake at each meal helps maintain muscle mass and supports metabolism.


By sticking to this schedule, you create a routine that your body can rely on, helping to regulate hunger and energy levels.


Low Glycemic Diet for Weight Loss

Adopting a low glycemic diet is another effective strategy for midlife weight loss. Low glycemic carbohydrates and vegetables play a significant role in metabolism, hormone balance, and overall nutrition, especially for women in midlife.

Here’s what to focus on:

  • Low glycemic carbohydrates: Incorporate these into your meals to help stabilize blood sugar levels and support thyroid function. Examples include vegetables, certain fruits, and whole grains.
  • Vegetables, vegetables, vegetables: Vegetables are essential for detoxification, fiber intake, and overall health. They aid in insulin resistance, help clear out fat cells, and provide vital nutrients that are particularly important as estrogen levels decline.
  • Balanced macronutrients: Ensure that your meals include a balance of protein, fats, and carbohydrates. Aim for at least two meals a day to include low glycemic carbohydrates anchored with around 30 grams of protein and plenty of vegetables.


Practical Application

Ruth, a client in my Feminine Freedom program, found great success by implementing these nutritional strategies. Here’s what worked for her and can work for you too:

  • No Sugar: Ruth eliminated sugar from her diet, which significantly reduced inflammation and belly fat.
  • Consistent Protein Intake: She ensured each meal contained 30-40 grams of protein, which helped stabilize her energy levels and support muscle mass.
  • Low Glycemic Carbohydrates: She included low glycemic carbs in at least two of her meals, which improved her metabolism and hormone balance.


By making these changes, Ruth was able to overcome her weight loss plateau and feel more energized and healthy.


Implementing a consistent eating schedule and focusing on a low glycemic diet can make a significant difference in your midlife weight loss journey. These strategies not only help with weight management but also support overall health, making you feel better and more balanced.



Strength Training and Exercise for Midlife Women

Benefits of Strength Training for Weight Loss

Strength training is incredibly important for midlife women, especially for those focusing on weight loss. It not only helps in building and maintaining muscle mass but also boosts metabolism, supports bone health and enhances overall strength and vitality.


Why Strength Training is Essential:

  1. Builds Muscle Mass: As we age, we naturally lose muscle mass, which can slow down our metabolism. Strength training helps counteract this process, keeping our metabolism active and supporting weight loss.
  2. Boosts Metabolism: Muscle tissue burns more calories at rest compared to fat tissue. By increasing your muscle mass through strength training, you can enhance your metabolic rate and burn more calories throughout the day.
  3. Supports Bone Health: Strength training puts stress on your bones, which stimulates bone growth and can help prevent osteoporosis, a common concern for midlife women.
  4. Enhances Overall Strength: Regular strength training improves functional fitness, making everyday tasks easier and reducing the risk of injuries.


Incorporating Strength Training into Your Routine:

  • Start Slow: If you're new to strength training, start with bodyweight exercises like squats, lunges, and push-ups. Gradually incorporate weights as you become more comfortable.
  • Consistency is Key: Aim for at least two to three strength training sessions per week. Consistency is crucial for seeing long-term benefits.
  • Mix It Up: Include a variety of exercises targeting different muscle groups to ensure a balanced workout. This could include exercises for your legs, arms, back, and core.
  • Seek Guidance: If you're unsure where to start, consider working with a personal trainer or joining a strength training class. They can help you learn proper form and create a routine that suits your needs and goals.


In the Feminine Freedom program, Ruth incorporated strength training into her routine and saw remarkable results. She reported feeling stronger, more energetic, and noticed improvements in her weight loss journey. Strength training has been a game-changer for many women in midlife, providing them with the tools they need to stay active, healthy, and vibrant. 


If you're not already strength training, now is the time to start. Whether it's lifting weights, using resistance bands, or doing bodyweight exercises, incorporating strength training into your routine can make a significant difference in your midlife weight loss journey and overall well-being.



Ruth’s success story highlights the power of adopting a positive mindset and implementing effective strategies for midlife weight loss. From eliminating sugar to managing emotional eating and incorporating strength training, these changes have made a significant impact on her health journey.


Ruth's top six tips for weight loss and overall health include:

  • Eliminate Sugar: Avoiding sugar and processed foods to reduce inflammation and belly fat.
  • Manage Emotional Eating: Recognize that food cannot fix emotional issues and find healthier ways to cope.
  • Consistent Eating Schedule: Eat every 3 to 4 hours with balanced meals to maintain energy levels and prevent overeating.
  • Strength Training: Incorporate regular strength training sessions to build muscle, boost metabolism, and support bone health.
  • Protein Intake: Ensure each meal includes 30-40 grams of protein to support muscle maintenance and overall health.
  • Low-Glycemic Diet: Include low glycemic carbohydrates and plenty of vegetables for balanced nutrition and hormone support.


By adopting these strategies, you can make sustainable health improvements and achieve your weight loss goals. Remember, consistency is key, and a positive mindset will help you stay on track even when challenges arise.



Ready to take the next step in your midlife weight loss journey? Join the Feminine Freedom program to get the support and guidance you need. 


Subscribe to my podcast for more tips, success stories, and practical advice on achieving your health goals.

You can also explore our related resources and coaching programs for tailored solutions that fit your lifestyle.


Take control of your health and start your journey towards a happier, healthier you today!



How to Stop Food Cravings During Menopause: Strategies to be Trim and Healthy

Trim Healthy Store - Optimized Whey Protein Chocolate 

Trim Healthy Miracle Mousse Makeover Recipe

Visit my Amazon Store to find ChocZero Chocolate

Visit my Amazon Store to find Lily's Chocolate

Feminine Freedom Path Coaching Program

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