6 Surprising Steps to Unlock Weight Loss After 40

Jul 03, 2024

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Embracing Negative Emotions for Midlife Wellness: A Game-Changer for Weight Loss After 40

Hello, my friends. Today, we're diving into a topic that might not sound fun but is truly life-changing: how to feel negative emotions. Yes, you heard that right! It may not be fun, but understanding and embracing our negative emotions can be a game-changer, especially when it comes to weight loss after 40.


Understanding Negative Emotions

Negative emotions are feelings that we often try to avoid or push away. They can feel overwhelming, but they don’t have to control us. In midlife, managing these emotions becomes crucial, particularly for weight loss. Why? Because weight loss is a mindset game. Our sabotaging thoughts often keep us on that dieting roller coaster. When we can become aware of our thoughts and understand that they are driving our emotions, we gain the power to change.


The Connection Between Mindset and Weight Loss After 40

As a Trim Healthy Mama coach and personal trainer, I've seen firsthand how crucial mindset is in achieving weight loss. In the early days, before I discovered Trim Healthy, my clients would see some results through exercise alone. However, it wasn’t until I started incorporating mindset work that we saw significant, lasting changes. This shift was a game-changer for both me and my clients, leading to not just physical changes but also a renewed determination and commitment.


Step-by-Step Process to Feel and Manage Negative Emotions

  1. Naming the Emotion

   The first step in managing negative emotions is to name them. This might sound simple, but it can be challenging. Use one word to describe what you’re feeling. If you find yourself using multiple words, that’s a thought, not a feeling. For example, instead of saying, "I feel like I want to eat a cookie," you might say, "I feel anxious."


  1. Locating the Emotion in the Body

   Emotions are chemicals in our bodies that manifest physically. Identify where you feel the emotion. Is it in your gut, throat, shoulders? This helps in understanding the emotion better and prepares you to manage it.


  1. Leaning into the Emotion

   Instead of resisting or running away from the emotion, lean into it. Relax into the feeling rather than tensing up against it. This is similar to the relaxation techniques I learned during childbirth, which taught me to work with my body rather than against it.


  1. Exploring and Visualizing the Emotion

   Once you’ve identified and leaned into the emotion, explore it. What does it feel like? If it were a color, what color would it be? Visualizing the emotion can help you understand and process it more effectively.


  1. Processing and Moving Through the Emotion

   Processing emotions can be done through journaling or simply sitting with the emotion for a bit. Allow the emotion to be present and let it subside naturally. Most of the time, it will diminish within 20 minutes.


  1. Reminding Yourself of the Origin

   Emotions are created by thoughts in our minds. Remind yourself that nothing has gone wrong and that these emotions are a natural response to your thoughts. This affirmation can be comforting and help you stay grounded.


Practical Applications for Midlife Women

Daily Practice: Incorporate these steps into your daily routine. Take 15 minutes each day to sit quietly and process your emotions.

Journaling Tips: Use journaling as a tool to manage your emotions. Write down what you’re feeling, where you’re feeling it, and how you’re leaning into it.

Self-Care Strategies: Self-care is crucial for managing emotions. Ensure you’re taking time for activities that nourish your body and soul, whether it’s a relaxing bath, a walk in nature, or reading a good book.


Personal Reflection

My journey with learning to feel and manage my emotions has been game-changing. It has helped me not just with weight loss but also in navigating the challenges of midlife. I’ve seen the same transformation in my clients. When they learn to manage their emotions, they break free from the dieting roller coaster and achieve lasting results.

I encourage you to start practicing these techniques. Be patient with yourself. Embracing and managing negative emotions is a powerful tool for achieving weight loss after 40 and overall well-being. Give it a try, and let me know how it works for you!


Remember, you have the power to change your thoughts and emotions. Embrace it, lean into it, and watch the transformation unfold.


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