The Best and Worst Cardio for Women Over 40

Jul 17, 2024

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We're going to explore the science behind the best and worst types of cardio for us in midlife and beyond. Understanding the right kind of cardio is so important for maintaining our health and fitness, especially as we navigate the changes that come with menopause. So, let’s dive in!


The Role of Hormones in Midlife Fitness

As we hit menopause, our hormones, especially estrogen and testosterone, start to decline. Estrogen is amazing – it helps us build muscle, gives us energy, regulates glucose, aids insulin sensitivity, boosts metabolism, and protects our heart, breasts, and brain. Testosterone also plays a key role but is less prominent in women.


When these hormones drop, we face challenges in muscle building, energy levels, and metabolism. That’s why it’s crucial to tweak our exercise routines during midlife. With estrogen no longer providing its benefits, exercise becomes the stimulus we need to keep our bones strong, regulate insulin, burn fat, and support brain health.


Traditional Cardio vs. Effective Cardio

Problems with Traditional Steady-State Cardio

Many of us have relied on traditional steady-state cardio, like long runs, extended elliptical sessions, or long bike rides. However, these exercises can increase cortisol levels, which negatively impacts muscle building and insulin sensitivity. Steady-state cardio might not be the best choice for us midlife women – it can backfire on our health goals.


Introduction to HIIT and SIT

Instead, let’s talk about High-Intensity Interval Training (HIIT) and Sprint Interval Training (SIT). These forms of exercise are much more effective for midlife women. They offer a better stimulus for our bodies without the negative effects of steady-state cardio.


Benefits of HIIT and SIT for Women Over 40

Studies have shown numerous benefits of HIIT and SIT, including:

- Improved insulin sensitivity

- Enhanced mitochondrial function (boosting cell energy)

- Better fat burning, particularly visceral fat reduction

- Increased growth hormone production


HIIT and SIT workouts are highly effective metabolic stimuli that can significantly improve body composition. They help reduce fat mass, increase lean muscle mass, and improve aerobic function quicker than any other exercise. The best part? Less is more with these workouts.


Implementing HIIT and SIT into Your Routine

How to Perform HIIT and SIT Safely

To safely incorporate HIIT and SIT into your routine, you can try various exercises like pool workouts, biking, treadmill walking, or low-impact exercises. The key is to work very hard for short bursts (8 to 30 seconds) and then recover. This cycle should be repeated up to eight times, but beginners can start with just 2-3 repetitions and gradually increase.


Suggested HIIT and SIT Routines for Beginners

Begin with sessions lasting 6-8 minutes and work up to a maximum of 20 minutes. It’s essential to ensure adequate recovery periods to avoid overexertion. Twice a week is sufficient for these workouts.


The Importance of Strength Training

Role of Strength Training in Midlife Fitness

Strength training is another critical component of midlife fitness. It helps preserve muscle mass, bone density, and metabolic health. Strength training supports the benefits of HIIT and SIT but also offers unique advantages for maintaining muscle and bone health.


Suggested Strength Training Routines

Aim for at least two heavy lifting sessions per week. Exercises like hip thrusts, goblet squats, and one-arm rows are excellent choices. A shorter workout might include three exercises with 2-3 sets of 6-8 reps each, while a longer session could involve more exercises with 12-15 reps.


Complementary Exercises and Activities

Benefits of Walking, Yoga, Pilates, and Mobility Exercises

While HIIT, SIT, and strength training are essential, complementary exercises like walking, yoga, and Pilates also play a vital role. These activities contribute to overall well-being and relaxation but are not the primary focus for fat loss and metabolic health.


Personal Experience and Tips

Sharing Personal Workout Schedule

Personally, my weekly workout schedule includes strength training twice a week and HIIT or SIT training twice a week. I also incorporate activities I enjoy, such as walking or pickleball, to stay motivated.


Encouragement to Find Enjoyable Activities

It’s crucial to find exercises you enjoy to maintain consistency and motivation. Mix in activities like yoga or Pilates as they fit your lifestyle and preferences.


In conclusion, focusing on the right type of cardio and strength training is essential for women over 40. Effective workouts like HIIT and SIT, combined with strength training, provide long-term health and vitality benefits. These exercises help with fat loss, muscle preservation, and overall well-being.



If you’re looking for additional support and guidance, consider joining my online community and program tailored to women over 40. Prioritize effective workouts and join us in our journey towards health and vitality.


By following these guidelines, you can ensure that your midlife fitness routine is optimized for your unique needs, helping you stay strong, healthy, and vibrant.





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