>>Ready to learn the 7 signs you're overlooking?
If you are tired all the time, you may have inflammation in your body. Sleep is one factor that can lead to inflammation: getting too little sleep (below 7-9 hours) or too much sleep (more than 9 hours) every night can lead to inflammation and make you tired throughout the day. The body treats inadequate sleep or too much sleep in the same way that it does an illness. This triggers an immune response because your body thinks you are sick, leading to inflammation. One of the symptoms of this mounting inflammation is fatigue, which you will experience throughout the day from the moment you wake up.
If you experience frequent bloating, constipation, gas, or abdominal discomfort, it could be a sign of inflammation in the gut. Many digestive issues result from inflammation in the gut, which causes things like IBS and other problems. Taking digestive aids may bring temporary relief, but of course, symptoms often come back again and again.
Do you wake up feeling stiff or experience minor aches and pains regularly? Pain may be an indicator of inflammation. General body aches and pains can be a precursor to conditions like arthritis, which is a condition that often occurs as a result of inflammation. If you've been experiencing this type of pain for a while now, don't ignore it. Pain killers only mask symptoms – the damage is still occurring.
Frustrated with blotchy skin, rashes, and breakouts that won’t go away no matter what you do? Internal inflammation often shows up externally as skin irritation and breakouts. Skin conditions like eczema, acne, and dry skin is the body’s way of communicating to you that something is wrong. In most cases, the inflammation is to blame.
If you are having frequent headaches for no reason, or if you have had previous headaches that are now turning into migraines, reach out to your healthcare provider to find the cause of the problem. One of the things that may be contributing to your constant headaches is inflammation. Consider relaxation techniques like meditation to help relieve any stress that you may be experiencing, which is also another inflammation trigger.
An inflamed nasal cavity is a common sign of inflammation. This usually presents itself as a stuffy nose, and you’ll usually experience it seasonally along with watery eyes and other cold-related symptoms. If you have a stuffy nose for no reason or if your nose runs every morning or evening no matter what the weather is like – it could be a sign of inflammation.
Poor dietary choices and unhealthy lifestyles that expose the body to environmental toxins can lead to chronic inflammation. Chronic inflammation occurs when the body is burdened with toxins that accumulate over a long period. Another cause of inflammation is dysbiosis or an imbalance in the composition of your gut bacteria. Food allergies and gut infections can also put your immune response on overdrive, triggering chronic inflammation. So, what can you do?
Eating in a Trim Healthy Mama way will begin to work your body towards healing from inflammation. When you focus on keeping your blood sugar balanced and eliminating processed foods you allow your body the space it needs to eliminate toxins and reduce inflammation.
Here at Get Your Trim On my focus is to move you towards hormonal balance by staying on the Trim Healthy Mama plan and adding superfoods to help your body return to hormonal harmony.
>>I've put together 6 anti-inflammatory smoothies for you to add ot our daily routine. Download HERE.
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