Why Trim Healthy is Failing You In Menopause (And How To Fix It)

Sep 11, 2024

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Does Trim Healthy Mama Work in Menopause? A Mindset Tool for Midlife Women


Today, I’m diving into one of my favorite coaching tools, which is an absolute game-changer for women in menopause. This tool, when applied consistently, can help you show up differently in your Trim Healthy Mama journey and finally see those lasting results you’ve been after.


So, if you want something different, you’ve got to do something different. 


I know, easier said than done, right? 


That’s where this tool comes in. I first learned it from Brooke Castillo at The Life Coach School. It’s called “The Model,” and it has roots in teachings from various mentors, all beautifully refined into this one mindset tool.


This tool came into my life when I was knee-deep in perimenopause, dealing with a lot of heavy stuff—health crises, family challenges, the whole nine yards. This mindset model transformed not just my life, but also the way I coach my clients. It’s especially helpful for those of you in midlife who feel stuck, frustrated, or just plain tired of trying everything under the sun with little to no results.


Why Mindset Matters More Than Ever in Menopause

In menopause, it’s not just about trying a new diet or exercise plan; it’s about renewing your mind. If sit-ups worked to get rid of belly fat, we’d all have flat bellies by now, right?


But the truth is, it’s how we think that determines how we show up. And how we show up creates our results. You can’t control the scale, your spouse, or your kids—but you can control your thoughts, feelings, and actions.


Here’s the crux of it: Your thoughts create your emotions. And those emotions drive your actions, which then lead to your results. It’s a powerful cycle. You don’t have to think every thought your brain offers up. That might sound basic, but it’s life-changing when you actually put it into practice.


The Model: A Step-by-Step Mindset Shift

Let’s break down The Model in a way that makes it easy to apply to your Trim Healthy Mama journey in menopause.


Here’s a simple flow:

  1. Circumstance: This is a neutral fact that everyone can agree on. For instance, “I have menopause symptoms,” or “The scale says X.” 
  2. Thought: This is your interpretation or belief about the circumstance. For example, “I thought I would be further along by now.”
  3. Feeling: The thought leads to an emotion. If your thought is “I thought I would be further along by now,” you might feel disappointed.
  4. Action: Your feeling drives what you do or don’t do. When you feel disappointed, you might doubt the program, skip planning, or half-heartedly follow the plan.
  5. Result: Your actions create your results, which often circle back to proving your initial thought. If you’re not showing up fully, the result is usually no progress, which reinforces the thought, “I thought I’d be further along.”


Applying The Model to Your Trim Healthy Mama Journey

Let’s say you’re working on weight loss, and your thought is, “I thought I’d be further by now.” That thought creates disappointment. When you’re disappointed, you might find yourself skipping workouts, not prepping your meals, or not fully engaging in the community.


The result? You’re not making the progress you want, which just feeds that disappointing thought.


Now, let’s flip that. What if you intentionally choose a new thought? Something like, “I’m exactly where I need to be right now,” or “Progress, no matter how small, is still progress.” Maybe even, “I’m in this for me, not just for the scale.


Those thoughts create feelings of hope, commitment, and even excitement. And when you feel hopeful, you show up differently. You plan, you participate, you stay the course.


Start Practicing: Your Midlife Mindset Homework

Here’s what I want you to do: Start with a thought dump. Get all those unfiltered thoughts down on paper. Pick out the ones not serving you—the sabotaging, self-defeating thoughts.

Then run them through The Model. Identify the feeling they create, the action they drive, and ultimately the results they’re getting you.


Next, think about what you want to feel. Hopeful? Committed? Energized?

Choose a thought that helps generate that feeling, something you can truly believe in. It might take some time—think 64 days to really wire in a new habit or thought—but this is the path to transformation.


Remember, we transform by renewing our minds, not by following a quick-fix diet or workout.


The more intentional you become about your thoughts, the more you’ll start to see the changes you want.


I hope this tool helps you as much as it’s helped me and so many of my clients. I’d love to hear what new thoughts you’re working on! 


Join my Peri/Menopause Community on Facebook, and let me know how you’re reframing those old, unhelpful thoughts into ones that support your journey. 


You’ve got this!



Life Coach School: https://www.thelifecoachschool.com/

Dr Amen: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MLKj1puoWCg



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