10 Proven Ways to Stay on the Trim Healthy Plan

Sep 18, 2024

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I have a question for you today that will take us back to the basics of the Trim Healthy Mama (THM) plan. 


What if you focused on just staying on plan? 


No worries about the scale or how fast or slow your weight loss is. 

No overthinking what's working, what's hard, or what you don't like about it.


Life happens. We all get overwhelmed by the constant juggling of responsibilities.


But what if, amidst all the chaos, your only focus was this simple, yet life-changing goal: Stay on plan. 


What Does Staying On Plan Look Like?

Staying on plan doesn’t mean perfection; it's more about consistency. 


Ask yourself, “What do I need to do today to stay on plan?” 


Sometimes, that means simplifying your choices. For some of you, the answer might be found in mindset shifts—letting go of complaints and excuses and just making the decision to do it.


Maybe it starts with saying, “I’m committing to one day of being on plan,” or even better, “One week.” 


And to make it easier, you can get ready ahead of time so that when life gets busy, you have everything in place to succeed.


Being On Plan is Work, But It's Worth It

Let’s be real: staying on the Trim Healthy plan requires effort. 


But the truth is—everything requires work


If you go with the flow and eat whatever you want, your body will eventually require work to deal with consequences like weight gain, fatigue, inflammation, and poor sleep.


Wouldn't it be better to put in the effort upfront, shift your mindset to a "can-do" attitude, and focus on nourishing your body with healthy foods? 


Staying on plan will always take some thought and preparation, but the payoff is more energy, better health, and feeling amazing in your body.


How to Set Yourself Up for Success

To stay on plan, you must set yourself up for success, which comes with preparation.


Let’s talk through a few simple strategies that work for me: 

  1.  Make Staples Ahead of Time: Every weekend, I take some time to prep my E (energizing) and S (satisfying) meals for the week. 

For example, I cook up some brown rice, sweet potatoes, or lentils—these are great E options that become resistant starches after cooling. I also grill some lean protein like chicken, fish, or turkey. When you have these ready, throwing a meal together is much easier when life gets busy!


  1. Veggie Hack: I always roast or sauté some non-starchy veggies in chicken broth and keep them on hand. 

Lately, I’ve been chopping up raw veggies, tossing them in apple cider vinegar, and keeping them in the fridge. These are so easy to grab and eat with any meal. They're packed with fiber, support gut health, and help regulate blood sugar.


  1. Prep Snacks: Have a list of go-to snacks for the week. 

Some of my favorites include Greek yogurt with berries and a sprinkle of baobab powder or nuts, and cottage cheese with lemon and a teaspoon of Trim Healthy Essentials for a tangy, protein-packed treat. Keeping these on hand makes it easy to stay fueled and avoid impulse snacking.


Keeping Protein High with Essentials

You’ve probably heard me talk about Essentials, but if you haven’t used it yet, let me explain why it’s a game-changer. Trim Healthy Mama’s Essentials is an amazing tool to boost your daily protein intake. It’s perfect for those days when you’re low on protein or when you want to ensure your body is getting all the necessary nutrients to thrive.


Protein is paramount for keeping you full, building lean muscle, and maintaining a steady blood sugar level, especially in midlife when your body needs it most. So, whether you’re mixing it into your Greek yogurt, smoothie, or even sprinkling it into a savory dish like chili, Essentials is a fantastic way to ensure you’re staying on track with your protein goals.


Here’s a quick example of how I use Essentials:

Cottage Cheese & Berry Delight

- ½ cup cottage cheese

- 1 tsp Essentials

- ½ cup berries

- Squeeze of lemon juice

- Optional: Baobab powder for an extra vitamin C kick

Mix it all up, and you have a protein-packed, gut-friendly, and filling snack or light meal!


Keep It Simple, Keep It Planned

One thing I’ve learned is that your brain likes to tell you staying on plan is too hard, especially when it comes to E meals. 


But guess what? You can totally do this. 


Simplify the process by theming your meals. I stick to a weekly theme to make meal planning easier:

- Monday: Italian (Think zoodles with a light meat sauce or Dreamfields pasta with a side salad)

- Tuesday: Tacos or burrito bowls (Opt for lean ground turkey and load up on veggies)

- Wednesday: Crockpot meals (Chicken stew or beef chili with cauliflower rice)

- Thursday: Skillet night (Throw in lean meat, veggies, and some healthy fat)

- Friday: Pizza night (THM pizza for me, Costco pizza for the family)

Prepping ahead means that when it's time to eat, you don’t have to scramble to figure out what’s for dinner—you already know!


Mini Recipes for Staying On Plan

Here are a few more simple, on-plan meal ideas that you can whip up in minutes:


Dreamfields Pasta with Veggie-Loaded Sauce

- Cook Dreamfields pasta according to the package.

- Sauté a mix of frozen veggies with chicken broth until soft.

- Blend the veggies with a cup of marinara sauce.

- Add lean ground beef or turkey, and simmer for a few minutes.


Greek Yogurt Protein Bowl

- 1 cup Greek yogurt

- 1 scoop protein powder (I love Trim Healthy Mama’s **Optimized Whey**)

- 1 tablespoon baobab powder

- ¼ cup frozen cherries

- A drizzle of almond butter

Mix it all up, and you’ve got a protein-packed, energizing snack or meal that will keep you going!


What If You Did Know What to Do?

Sometimes, our brain tries to tell us we don’t know what to do when it comes to staying on plan.


But what if you flipped that?


What if you asked yourself, "What if I did know what to do?" 


Trust me, this can be a game-changer.


If you make staying on plan your focus and take a little time to prepare each week, it’s easier than you think. 


Start with small steps like prepping a few meals, organizing snacks, and theming your dinners. 


Before you know it, you'll have a system that makes staying on plan a breeze!


Now it’s your turn. I challenge you to set yourself up for success this week. 


Pick three breakfast ideas, choose your go-to lunches, and theme your dinners. 


Let me know how it goes over in my Facebook community. JOIN HERE


Stay on plan, stay strong, and keep moving forward!




MUSIC PROVIDED BY - https://www.purple-planet.com/


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