How to Thrive in Midlife with Movement, Nutrition, and Hormone Balance

Sep 25, 2024


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Midlife can feel like a rollercoaster, especially when your hormones seem to have a mind of their own, your body isn’t responding to old routines, and stress levels are through the roof. 


But here's the thing—you can thrive in this season of life! 


It takes smart movement, mindful eating, and the right support system to get you there. 


I’ve been where you are, and through years of trial and error, I’ve discovered what works for me and the women I coach. 


So, let’s dive into how you can thrive, starting with movement, nutrition, and managing those hormone changes you’re dealing with in midlife.


The Non-Negotiables: Movement in Midlife

Staying active is essential for overall health, especially as we age. 


But not all movement is created equal, and what worked in your 30s won’t be as effective or helpful now. 


My Go-To Workouts for Midlife Women  

I’ve learned that prioritizing strength training, walking, and recovery is paramount for women in midlife. 


Here's how I structure my routine:


>>Try this 10 minute Plyometric workout<<


Movement Hacks for Busy Days

I get it—life is busy, and it’s not always easy to fit in a full workout. 


Here are some strategies I use to get my movement in, even on hectic days:

  1. Under Desk Treadmill: On rainy days or when it’s too cold to go outside (I’m a wimp when it comes to cold!), I hop on my inexpensive under-desk treadmill. This allows me to walk two to three times a day, no matter the weather.
  2. Standing Desk: I try to avoid sitting for long periods. If I’m on Zoom coaching calls or working on content, my standing desk is a lifesaver.
  3. Pilates and Yoga: I do these when I feel like I need a bit of mobility or relaxation. These low-impact exercises are perfect for improving flexibility and reducing stress.


Stress Reduction Through Movement

Walking is my secret weapon for managing stress. We’ve had a challenging year at home, and that daily movement outdoors allows me to clear my mind, pray, and recharge. If you’re feeling overwhelmed, a simple walk might be just what you need. And trust me, even a 15-minute walk after meals can do wonders for regulating blood sugar and reducing stress hormones.


Walk every day for optimal fat loss after 40! Women in Midlife, it's time to get moving


Midlife Nutrition: Dialing In for Hormone Support

What you eat in midlife is more important than ever. Hormonal shifts can make it harder to lose weight, manage blood sugar, and feel energized, but the good news is, small tweaks in your diet can make a huge difference.


How I Eat to Support My Hormones

Here’s what my typical day looks like, and it’s all about balance:

Protein-Rich Meals (100+ grams a day): I prioritize animal protein or protein supplements in every meal. My daily goal is to hit at least 100 grams of protein, which is essential for muscle maintenance and overall health.

E Meals for Energy: I love my "E" meals, which are high in healthy carbohydrates. I make sure every meal contains protein, fiber, and a little fat. I avoid "naked carbs" because I’ve learned that pairing carbs with protein helps keep my blood sugar steady.

Kefir Smoothies & Fermented Foods: Kefir has become a daily staple for gut health, which is critical in menopause. I combine it with protein powder and fiber for a gut-friendly, nutrient-packed snack. I’ve also started incorporating fermented foods like Bubbies pickles and miso into my meals to support my microbiome, which has a big role in weight management and hormone balance. 

Gut Health and Menopause  

Our gut microbiome changes in menopause, leading to bloating, indigestion, and even weight gain.

Here's how I support my gut health:

- Kefir and fermented vegetables like sauerkraut.

- Fiber from vegetables, chia seeds, and other whole foods.

- Light S meals with limited dairy and fermented dairy for better digestion.


Hormone Replacement Therapy: My Journey

Finding the right balance of hormones has been a game-changer for me. I’m currently on a regimen that includes estrogen, progesterone, testosterone, and thyroid medication. It’s taken years to optimize, but the benefits have been worth the effort. Estrogen protects my heart, brain, and bones, while testosterone helps with muscle building and motivation.

Estrogen: I aim to keep my levels over 100 to support overall health.

Progesterone: This helps with mood and sleep.

Testosterone: A great boost for muscle maintenance, libido, and overall well-being.

Thyroid: I’ve been on thyroid medication for years to manage Hashimoto's, and it’s critical for keeping my metabolism functioning well.


Where to Start: One Step at a Time

I know this all sounds like a lot—strength training, walks, hormone therapy, kefir, and fermented foods—but I didn’t get here overnight. I’ve been at this for years, slowly adding one thing at a time. 

You don’t have to do everything at once. 


I encourage you to start small. Pick one or two things from this list and give yourself the grace to take it slow. The goal is consistency, not perfection.


My Top Tips to Get Started:

  1. Focus on nutrition first: Make sure you eat enough protein, healthy carbs, and fats to fuel your body. 
  2. Start moving daily: Even if it’s just a walk around the block, get moving.
  3. Consider hormone support: If your hormones are out of balance, talk to a practitioner about your options.


You Can Thrive in Midlife

Midlife doesn’t have to feel overwhelming. 

With a patient and curious mindset, smart movement, and a supportive community, you can feel strong, energized, and confident. 

Focus on taking baby steps to support your body through this transition.
If you’re ready to take the next step and join a group of like-minded women who are all working toward thriving in midlife, I invite you to check out my Midlife Thrive Tribe Membership. 
Whether you’re looking to lose weight, balance your hormones, or find a supportive community, the Tribe is here for you.
NOTE: Hey there! Just a heads-up, this post has affiliate links that help you find the stuff I mentioned in the blog without costing you anything extra. If you decide to use them, I might earn a little bit, but there's absolutely no pressure to do so. Thanks a bunch for your support!

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