How to Stay On Plan (the Trim Healthy Mama way)

Sep 06, 2022

Successful people are people who have learned to fail without making themselves into a failure.


Learn to stay on your THM journey with these 6 keys:


Mindset: First, start with believing that you can, even if you have not proved it to yourself yet. Here’s the deal, if you believe that you can’t then you won’t. But, if you are willing to believe that you can eat the Trim Healthy Mama way, your brain will go to work trying to prove it. 

➡ Action Step: Each day begin saying to yourself, “I am the girl that can learn to be consistently on plan. I believe that I can.” Don’t let that old story that you tell yourself run the show.


Be Prepared: Set yourself up for success, keep THM foods, desserts, snacks, and meals on hand to make it easier for you to stay the course. Preparation is key. 


Keep it simple: Do THM your way. What is working for you? What can you sustainably do right now? 


Give yourself lots of grace: If it is not 100%, don’t worry. B+ effort is enough to get you started on some good habits.

➡Action Step: Try to do better each week with one small change. It is better to sustain what you can currently handle as opposed to shooting for A+ and then quitting because you did not hit your goal.


Practice non-negotiable thoughts: “No matter what, I will get back on plan” or “No more excuses, I am getting back on plan.” Start your next meal or two with a Deep S.


Learn to allow urges or cravings: This is definitely a skill that you can practice and learn and has been a GAME CHANGER for me and my clients. You do not have to answer every urge or craving. Let it sit, do not feed the craving. Get curious about what your body is telling you and why. This is what I teach and help my clients learn in all of my coaching programs.


Remember, you are not a failure just because you eat off-plan. You’re just getting good at failing so that you can get good at staying on plan. 


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