Is protein really important?

Dec 06, 2022
Let it be known that the author of this content is an official THM Affiliate and is earning a percentage off of links used in the content that may link directly to the THM online store.


As you age, you start to lose bone and muscle mass. But, there is 1 nutrient that is key to helping you retain muscle mass and bone density. 




Every day you are faced with food choices. Some of those foods help your body and others simply don’t.


If you are in the throes of perimenopause or menopause, even in post menopause one of the best ways you can support your body is to pay attention to what is at the end of your fork. 

Your hormonal symptoms like inability to sleep, hot flashes, low-level anxiety, and stomach bloating are directly related to the foods you choose to eat. It is time to put on your big-girl panties and declare that your health will take priority over your desires and urges and choose foods to heal & support your body.

Start by reducing the worst food choices like packaged & processed foods and seed oils. Limit your alcohol intake. Stay away from white products like white flour, and white sugar. 


Now that I’ve called out all the foods that you need to shift away from for optimal health, let’s focus on what you need to add to your meals.


Choosing food high in protein and creating meals that are protein-rich is paramount to supporting your body well. 


Consuming protein is super helpful to maintain blood sugar levels. As you get older your estrogen levels decline, which causes your cortisol levels to increase which in turn impacts your insulin which can then cause your blood sugar to get really wacky and may cause insulin resistance. Say hello to belly fat weight gain. 


When you focus on getting protein at every meal & snack you increase your body’s ability to lose stubborn weight. Begin to pay attention to the type of protein you are eating and even track how much you are consuming each day and play around with this to see how your body responds. 


Some women will need to choose a combination of plant and animal proteins. Not everyone handles animal protein in the same way so get curious about how your body responds. You may want to include more plant protein choices and a great way to start this is by including both at your meals.


Because your body becomes less efficient the older you get and isn't able to metabolize or synthesize protein as well, you actually need more protein.

I recommend anywhere from 15-25 grams of protein at a meal. Personally, I feel much better when I have more protein and most days I will have 20-30 grams at every meal and shoot for about 100 grams per day. 


You can check out this protein calculator to see what your “ideal” amount would be but a good rule of thumb is 0.8-1.2 grams of protein per kilogram of your body weight. 


As a Trim Healthy Mama coach, my guideline is going to be about 15-25g at every meal and snack. You should always be asking “where’s my protein?”


What foods are high in protein?


Something to remember from Esther Blum, a menopause specialist, “In addition to helping you build lean muscle and support healthy hip bone density, protein is the only nutrient that keeps your blood sugar stable for six hours after you eat it. That means stellar mental focus, energy, less cravings and less fatigue and better sleep.”


If you are dealing with carbohydrate cravings then make sure to prioritize eating protein and make sure you are eating every 3-4 hours.

If you are waking up frequently in the middle of the night then you might be dealing with a blood sugar issue and eating a snack high in protein before bed may help. Kefir is a great option for a light high-protein snack before bed. You could also try a hard-boiled egg or lean deli meat.


Don’t leave this to chance ladies. Protein is key to your long-term health and wellness. Make a plan to keep track of your protein intake, include a variety of proteins, both plant & animal, and center every single meal & snack around this key nutrient. 


Your body will thank you.


Let it be known that the author of this content is an official THM Affiliate and is earning a percentage off of links used in the content that may link directly to the THM online store.

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