Tips to STOP Hormonal Weight Gain

Aug 02, 2022


So, what can you do about hormonal weight gain? 

Well, your plan of action will depend on what hormones are out of whack but these basic actions are a good place to start. 



When you are stressed, your body produces lots of cortisol to help alleviate the stress. That's why cortisol is called the stress hormone. Chronic stress can lead to weight gain insulin resistance, among other issues. Therefore, your first step to dealing with hormonal weight gain is to deal with the cause of your stress. Meditate, do yoga, practice mindfulness. Whatever you do, try to relax. The less stressed you feel, the better.   



If you have poor sleeping habits, it's time to work on that.  

People who sleep less have been shown to have higher BMIs. Try to get 7 or 8 hours of sleep a night. This will help regulate your hormones, returning your system to a healthy rhythm. Your body and your brain need to rest and reset. This is the only way to get your hormones back in working order.  



When trying to regulate your hormones, there is no room for blood sugar spikes. A Trim Healthy Mama, low glycemic diet (packed with foods that take longer to be turned into sugar) is a great way to start the journey towards taming your weight gain. Women who gain a hormonal belly due to PCOS have also shed extra weight by consuming less sugar. As you eat less sugar, consume more protein and fiber simultaneously. This winning combination is a sure-fire way of dealing with that rapid weight gain.  



Studies have shown that alcohol consumption affects hormones in several ways. Research has demonstrated how it boosts estrogen levels in premenopausal women. If you suspect that you might be having hormonal weight gain, try ditching the alcohol for about a month. Does it make a difference? If it does, then you have found your culprit! No more evening glasses of vino for you!  



Your diet also plays a significant role in your hormonal health. When hormones like insulin go out of whack, your body reacts by storing too much fat or even developing type 2 diabetes. Keeping your blood sugar balanced is essential for your hormonal health and general well-being. The good news is that regularly eating high-fiber foods, like the ones included in the Trim Healthy Mama plan, can help resolve this. Buy and eat more hormone-balancing foods like lean proteins, chickpeas, broccoli, and sour cherries.  



While our food intake can lead to weight gain, I find often, extra belly fat is the result of hormonal imbalances. Stress and lack of sleep can also lead to hormonal issues and weight gain.  

Chances are your hormonal weight gain can be tackled by a few lifestyle changes. Try eating according to the Trim Healthy Mama plan, sleeping better, and managing stress.  


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