Do I have to count carbs?

Oct 18, 2022
You can learn a lot about what you are putting into your body by simply taking a moment to read the labels on packages. 
Let’s get super clear on what you are looking for when you read those labels. <<Click for a helpful guide
When you are putting together an S (Satisfying) meal, you will be focusing on fats anchored by protein but limiting carbs. Your carb count should not exceed 10 grams for an S meal. You will not count the carbs in non-starchy vegetables, those are freebies!
For an E (Energizing) meal, your focus is to anchor your lean protein with healthy carbs. You may include starchier vegetables and will keep your carb amount 45 grams or less. Watch your fat amounts with this meal and keep the fat amount 5 grams or less.
If you find that a regular E meal is a bit more carbs than your body likes, feel free to rotate out with a pulled-back E meal. Take your carb amount down to 12 grams instead of 45 grams. 
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Get your Energy back

Sep 27, 2022


Are you ready to get Energized?


Let’s continue to learn about the Trim Healthy Mama eating plan. This is the best eating plan that you can follow for your health, hormones, and fat loss especially if you are over the age of 40. Mid-life weight can be very difficult to shed because you are dealing with shifting hormone levels. The best plan for you to follow is the Trim Healthy Mama way of eating because it will bring your blood sugar levels under control and allow your body to heal and release stubborn weight.


I taught you earlier about Satisfying meals that are centered around good healthy fats; now let’s look at Energizing meals. 


E meals are Energizing meals. When we create E meals our focus turns away from fats and toward carbs. Carbs give us the energy that we need. Carbs are basically glucose and our bodies need glucose in the right setting and at the right time.


Healthy carbs are metabolism revving and healing to our...

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