How To Manage Weight Loss Expectations For The Best Midlife

Jan 03, 2024 

Apple Podcast - Spotify


Weight loss in midlife and beyond requires a new approach to see the results you are hoping for. Whether those results are less weight, fewer inches around your middle, more energy, or increased health and wellness, you must strap on some extra patience and set up your expectations more carefully than when you were younger.


There is a good possibility that you have hurdles and life situations making it hard to take care of yourself. You might feel confused and discouraged about why your body gains weight over 40 even though you are actively trying to lose.


Getting your expectations to align with your new reality is key to maintaining a positive commitment and engagement to meet your weight loss goals once you hit your 40s.


Expectations in midlife set you up for failure or success

I spent years reading and referring back to my "manual of expectations." I had a marriage, homeschooling,...

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Overcoming Setbacks on Your Weight Loss Journey: Lessons from Anne

Apr 26, 2023


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Apple Podcast - Spotify


Impossible goals are. the. worst. 


And Anne felt like her health and weight loss goals were…impossible. 


She couldn't stick to the Trim Healthy Mama plan long enough to get traction. So…how was she supposed to find success in health and weight loss?


Hopeless and feeling like she was shoveling snow in a blizzard (she would know, she lives in Canada) - Anne kept trying. Eating on plan but falling off as soon as "life" happened. 


"I did not believe I would be able to find success for my health and weight loss. It seemed completely unmanageable." - Anne


One day, she reached out to me after a mutual friend recommended Feminine Freedom Path, my 6-month Coaching program. 


Her hormone and weight loss struggles made her a great candidate for Feminine Freedom Path. Years of blaming and shaming her lack of commitment...

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Unlocking the Keys to Consistent Weight Loss for Women Over 40: Strategies for Success

Mar 22, 2023

Why is it so hard to be consistent?


Starting is easy. 


Starting is exciting and new and fresh and so full of hope and possibility.


But doing what it takes to reach the end. Now that can be a real slog.


Starting your Trim Healthy journey is fun! There are so many good recipes to try and new things to learn. 


But then, to see success, you have to keep at these changes until they are a habit. Part of your lifestyle. 


So, I want to share with you what my most successful clients have in common and how they have overcome pitfalls and have learned to be successful on their Trim Healthy journey. 



  1. They made a quality commitment to adopt the plan as a lifestyle. Not a perfect commitment, but an “I am in” day in and day out because they were done with dieting. Done with the mental drama. And they also had people in mind that they wanted to show up healthy for. 


  1. They had to redefine what...
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