How to Stop Lying to Yourself and Start Losing Weight

Aug 23, 2023

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Apple Podcast - Spotify



Harnessing the Power of Mindset for Weight Loss in Midlife

Midlife can bring about a host of challenges, but perhaps one of the most pervasive is the struggle with weight. With age, our metabolism slows down, and the routines we've stuck with for decades might not serve us anymore. But the journey to health isn’t just about the physical. It’s a mental challenge. If you’ve been lying to yourself about why can't lose weight or why Trim Healthy Mama won't work for you, now is the time to change your narrative. Let's dive into how you can cultivate a mindset for weight loss in midlife, one that is honest, encouraging, and transformative.


The Pitfalls of Self-Deception

Sometimes, the biggest lies we tell are the ones we tell ourselves. These lies might include:

"I'm too old to change."

"This is just how my body is now."

"I've tried everything; nothing works for...

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Mastering Menopause: Mindset, Meals, and Movement for the Modern Woman

Aug 16, 2023

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Apple Podcast - Spotify


Are you navigating the twists and turns of menopause symptoms while trying to stay on track with your weight loss journey? 

Believe me, you’re not alone. 

So many women, as they approach midlife, struggle with hormonal changes, which can make weight loss seem even more challenging. 

As a Trim Healthy Mama coach who focuses on helping women in menopause & perimenopause, I’m here to guide you through some tried-and-true techniques to face these challenges head-on.


Power of Your Mindset in Menopause

Remember the time when sticking to a health plan seemed effortless? And whatever you were doing, exercise or calorie counting, got you the results you were striving to get?

Times change, and so do our bodies and circumstances. 

The thought, "it's just too hard right now," creates feelings of defeat. 

But our mindset, and our thoughts, have...

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Top 4 Hormones You Need In Menopause And How To Feel Better

Aug 09, 2023

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Hormones are chemical messengers in your body. They communicate and control most of the physiological things going on. They tell your body what to do and hormones work together like an orchestra. But, when they aren’t playing well together we start to see imbalance, and things get out of harmony.


These imbalances affect all other hormones. Cortisol is your main stress hormone and it gets pretty bossy when not kept in check by other hormones. Too much cortisol steals progesterone, drives up insulin and blood sugar levels and until you get it under control will cause issues with all of your other hormones. 

The Big Four Hormones and Why They Matter

There are 4 main hormones you need to focus on to find better balance and support in your weight loss journey. 

First is cortisol, this hormone when left to run rampant is great at packing on extra belly fat, giving...

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The Best Practical Tips to Shed Menopause Weight

Aug 02, 2023

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Friend, if you're navigating through the season of menopause and finding yourself struggling with unexpected weight gain and midlife hormone symptoms, let's take a comforting pause here. Remember, this journey is a shared one, and these changes are natural. They are a testament to the remarkable adaptability of your beautiful body. Take this as a warm hug from me, a reminder that during these shifts you have the power to manage menopause and see weight loss. Together, we'll explore effective tips to manage menopause while staying on the Trim Healthy Mama (THM) plan.


Understanding Your Changing Body and Menopause Weight Loss

Menopause is not a battlefield; it's a transformative season. As estrogen levels naturally decline during this period, our bodies are predisposed to store more fat. Remember, you're not failing; you're adjusting. Embrace this season with grace and...

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Unlock Your Weight Loss Mindset And Actually Master Menopause

Jul 26, 2023

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Apple Podcast - Spotify



Do you ever feel depressed, anxious, or guilty about food before or after eating?

Do you ever wish you could just make it through the day without having to analyze every little thing you eat and when/how you have to work out?

Do you want to avoid discouragement setting you back?

Are you ready to stop the excuses?

Then it’s time for you to get a weight loss mindset working for you. You see, most of us have a pre-established mindset full of unintentional thoughts. These thoughts are messages we get from ourselves, our family, and past experiences. Although it often feels impossible to just “think differently," sometimes making subtle changes in how you think is the KEY to skyrocketing your chances of success and giving you longer-lasting results.

So I'm going to give you seven keys to practice, to overcome self-sabotage. 


Key one: be a detective and a watcher of...

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Powerful Bonds from Vulnerable Weight Loss Confessions pt. 2

Jul 19, 2023

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Apple Podcast - Spotify


Pearls from the Feminine Freedom Pathway Roundtable Podcast


Menopause is an important season in a woman's life, often marked by drastic changes in the body and mind. 


But, embracing a sustainable lifestyle, such as the Trim Healthy Mama (THM) plan, can turn these challenging years into a time of self-discovery, empowerment, and vibrant health. 


Let’s uncover nuggets of wisdom from a recent roundtable interview, where women in the menopausal season shared their transformative journeys with the Feminine Freedom Pathway (FFP), a 6-month weight loss coaching program.


Harnessing the Power of Kindness

Prioritizing Mental Wellbeing in Menopause


Danielle thought her struggle was not doing "enough." But over the course of her 6-month journey, she discovered the importance of self-compassion. Now she understands and uses the power of embracing...

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Powerful Bonds from Vulnerable Weight Loss Confessions pt.1

Jul 12, 2023

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Hello dear friends, today I have a story that will inspire you, motivate you, and fill you with the kind of warmth that only a group of dedicated, determined, and supportive ladies can bring. Let's dive into the incredible journey of a group of women who call themselves the 'Freedom Sisters'. 


These remarkable ladies are graduates of my Feminine Freedom Pathway program, a long-term coaching plan aimed at helping women in midlife lose weight, learn to exercise, manage their hormones, and ultimately find their best midlife selves. 


But the Freedom Sisters are more than just participants; they have built an inspiring community of support and encouragement.


Why are they so special? 


The Freedom Sisters were my very first group when I launched the program. They have stuck together through thick and thin, experiencing victories, struggles,...

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Unlock these 4 Natural Ways To Treat Menopause

Jun 28, 2023

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 (Affiliate links below: I may earn a small commission or free product from purchases made using links)


Is hormone replacement therapy for every woman? 

Aren't there more "natural" options? 

The answer is yes, and yes. 

Some women are not good candidates for hormone replacement therapy or aren't comfortable taking it; this might be due to a lack of education about the safety and protective benefits or availability.

But that doesn't mean you can't reduce or eliminate suffering from hormonal symptoms during menopause. You still have a lot to say about how you feel by implementing four ways to treat menopause. 


But you won't get the protective benefits when you're not using bioidentical hormone therapy. Bioidentical hormone therapy can help treat menopause symptoms, providing protective benefits to you. 

Menopause is a natural biological process. It marks...

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5 Ways to Master Menopause Symptoms

May 24, 2023

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Apple Podcast - Spotify


Hitting menopause put me in a bad attitude.


I wasn't prepared.


I wasn't educated.


And I didn't care about mastering menopause since surviving this life change would be enough. Personally, I just wanted to cancel the whole thing.


You too?


I tend to always start things with a lousy attitude only to realize that it could be more helpful. And I miss all the good things in my challenging situation when I allow a bad mood. 


All women experience hormonal shifts, and it's important to understand that what worked in your twenties, thirties, or forties won't be helpful to your lifestyle and eating plan as much now. This is due to a decline in key hormones. 


You may notice this decline as hot flashes, night waking, and depression, or you might experience signs of hormone decline like decreased energy levels. Lower estrogen levels tend to...

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The Midlife Routine: How to Incorporate Strength Training into Your Busy Schedule

May 10, 2023

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Apple Podcast - Spotify


Is exercise in midlife really all that important?

Would you rather be doing just about anything other than exercising?

After all, the extra time and an open schedule can be challenging.


I get it.

The truth is, yes, exercise is important enough for you to prioritize.
But not the exercise you are thinking of.

Getting older has loads of great benefits, but choosing not to include exercise and include daily movement in your schedule may set you up for health issues that are better avoided.


Exercise in midlife is necessary for longevity, health and will help you build strong muscles to maintain your independence as you age. 


And as added benefit doing the proper exercise gets your body in metabolism-boosting & fat-burning mode fast.



I have great news for you and some myths to bust. 


It's time to hang...

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