Minimize Menopause Symptoms

Dec 27, 2022


What if you could love your menopausal body no matter what?


What if you knew that the symptoms you experience are just part of the menopause transition and they are taking you to a better place?


You do not have to be a victim to hormonal changes and crazy symptoms. You can have relief through this transition and support your body well while you manage your hormones. 


Symptoms during menopause like joint pain, aches, hot flashes and trouble sleeping are usually temporary. But the better you treat yourself, the better you are going to feel.


When you were younger you could push self-care to the bottom of your priority list. That is no longer the case! Punishment & deprivation are out. Neglect of your needs and desires has had its day. This season is a time for you to love on your body.


Choose to make peace with your body during menopause. Understand that your body is changing and needs support and care not anger and frustration. Treat...

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Top 4 Hormones affecting weight loss in menopause

Dec 20, 2022


I remember feeling anything but sane around the age of 40 when I suddenly started to gain belly fat.


What made it worse was even though I was faithfully eating on the Trim Healthy Mama plan, I was also experiencing:

>> Low-level anxiety 

>> Lack of motivation

>> Low libido (no libido)

And having sleepless nights AGAIN- after all those sleepless nights with 9 babies. 


My cycle was regular but my moods were unpredictable.


Brain fog set in as did some depression.


So, I went to my Gynecologist with my complaints and she gave me two options: the pill or an antidepressant.


And then she said this could last up to 10 years!! 


I wasn’t willing to try either of these.

There had to be a better way.


I started researching and ended up joining a life coaching school that was teaching people how to “get control of their life and start creating the results they wanted”.


I learned...

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