Is Your Thyroid to Blame? Solving the Weight Gain Puzzle

Jun 05, 2024



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I want to talk about something that I see all the time and have personally experienced: unexplained weight gain in midlife. Many women I speak to on discovery calls are doing everything right, but still struggle with weight loss. 


One crucial factor that’s often overlooked is the thyroid. If your thyroid isn’t optimized, it can be almost impossible to lose weight, no matter how diligent you are with your diet and exercise. 


So, let's dive into why your thyroid might be the missing piece of your weight loss puzzle.


Understanding the Role of the Thyroid in Weight Gain

In midlife, our bodies undergo significant changes. Hormones start transitioning or even disappearing, and this can cause a sluggish thyroid. I was diagnosed with thyroid issues in my mid-30s, after years of chasing symptoms like fatigue, weight gain, and hair loss. Many women are unaware that their thyroid might be the root cause of these problems. 


Symptoms of a sluggish thyroid include slow weight loss, unexplained weight gain, tiredness, constipation, hair loss, brittle nails, and low-level anxiety. It's crucial to get a comprehensive thyroid panel, not just a TSH test, to get the full picture of what's going on.


Is My Thyroid Causing Weight Gain? Key Symptoms to Watch For

When I work with women in midlife, one of my first questions is always about their thyroid health. A simple TSH test is like looking at your car without opening the hood—you need a full panel to see the T3, T4, reverse T3, and antibodies. Finding a functional or integrative practitioner who understands this is key. I’ve helped many women navigate this journey, and it often leads to significant breakthroughs. Once your thyroid is optimized, you can turn back on your body’s fat-burning mechanisms, improve energy levels, and feel better overall.


Symptoms of a sluggish thyroid that can lead to weight gain include:


- Slow weight loss or unexplained weight gain

- Persistent tiredness, especially in the mornings

- Constipation

- Hair loss and brittle nails

- Low-level anxiety


These symptoms are often mistaken for general hormonal imbalances, but they could be a sign that your thyroid needs attention.


The Importance of Comprehensive Thyroid Testing

Supporting your thyroid isn’t just about medication; it’s also about lifestyle changes. A high-vegetable, high-protein, anti-inflammatory diet can make a big difference. For me, cutting back on gluten and focusing on nutrient-dense foods helped tremendously. Remember, the endocrine system is interconnected—supporting your adrenals and sex hormones is essential too. The good news is that with the right support and guidance, you can solve this weight gain puzzle and get back to feeling your best.


Getting the Right Thyroid Tests: More Than Just TSH

When I start working with my ladies, I want them to find a practitioner who will show us what’s going on with a full thyroid panel. This includes not just TSH (Thyroid Stimulating Hormone), but also T3, T4, reverse T3, and thyroid antibodies. This comprehensive approach is necessary because the TSH test alone is like looking at your vehicle’s hood without opening it to see what’s inside.


It’s not uncommon for traditional doctors to tell you that your TSH levels are normal, even when you’re experiencing significant symptoms. The normal range for TSH is very broad, and many women fall into this range but still have thyroid issues. This is why I suggest looking for a functional or integrative practitioner who can provide a full panel and interpret the results correctly.


Practical Tips for Optimizing Your Thyroid

So, what can you do if you suspect your thyroid is causing weight gain? Here are some practical steps:


Diet and Lifestyle Changes to Support Thyroid Health

Supporting your thyroid isn’t just about taking medication. It also involves making specific lifestyle changes. For instance, a diet rich in vegetables, lean proteins, and anti-inflammatory foods can be incredibly beneficial. Personally, reducing gluten intake has helped me manage my thyroid symptoms better. While I'm not completely gluten-free, I have found that minimizing gluten has significantly reduced my Hashimoto's symptoms.


Working with the Right Practitioner

Finding the right practitioner is crucial. Look for someone who understands the importance of a full thyroid panel and can help you interpret the results. In my Feminine Freedom program, I help women find practitioners, ask for the right lab tests, and understand their results. This support is essential because optimizing thyroid health often requires personalized adjustments to medication and lifestyle.


Considering Thyroid Hormone Replacement

In some cases, thyroid hormone replacement might be necessary. This can be a game-changer for women with significant thyroid dysfunction. I’ve seen firsthand how thyroid hormone replacement can transform energy levels, metabolism, and overall well-being. For some women, natural supplements might be enough to give their thyroid a boost, but for others, medication like Synthroid or Armour might be necessary.


Take Charge of Your Thyroid Health

So, if you’re struggling with weight loss or just not feeling like yourself, it might be time to check your thyroid. Don’t settle for vague answers—demand a full panel and work with a practitioner who gets it. Your thyroid could be the missing piece of the puzzle, and once you find it, you can unlock a whole new level of health and vitality. 




Remember, checking your thyroid could be the key to solving your weight gain puzzle and regaining your energy and well-being. Take charge of your health today!


Thyroid Tests & your Hormones>> Check out these Freebies from Dr. Amie Hornaman

Free Download: 6 Hormonal Signs of Weight Gain>>

Finding a Functional Practitioner>> 

Feminine Freedom Path - 12 month coaching program>>


I am not a medical professional. As a Trim Healthy Mama coach, I am not providing healthcare, medical, or nutritional therapy services or attempting to diagnose, treat, prevent, or cure any physical, mental, or emotional issue.

The information provided on this website is for informational purposes only and is not intended to substitute professional medical advice, diagnoses, or treatment. Always seek advice from your physician or other qualified healthcare provider before undertaking a new health regimen.

Do not disregard medical advice or delay seeking medical advice because of information you read on this website. Do not start or stop any medications without speaking to your medical or health provider.


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