The Hormone-Friendly Diet: Best Foods To Eat During Menopause

Jul 31, 2024


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Understanding Hormonal Changes in Midlife

Impact of Hormones on Health

Estrogen and progesterone are key players in our overall well-being. They influence how we feel, how we sleep, how we burn fat, and so much more. When these hormone levels start to fluctuate, especially during perimenopause and menopause, it can throw everything out of balance.


The Role of Insulin and Leptin

Insulin Resistance and Its Effects

You’ve probably heard a lot about insulin resistance lately. Insulin is our fat storage hormone. When our estrogen levels drop, it can cause our insulin levels to fluctuate, which can lead to insulin resistance. This is when our bodies don't use insulin efficiently, leading to fat storage and increased risk of pre-diabetes and diabetes.


Leptin and Appetite Regulation

Leptin is another important hormone. It lives in our fat cells and sends signals to our brain that tell us when we're full. When leptin signaling is...

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The Surprising Reason Exercise is Making You Tired and How to Make it Better

Jun 12, 2024



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Are you really struggling with your weight and energy levels? If so, I wanted to talk a little bit about this phenomenon called exercise intolerance. 


Normally I encourage women to get moving and to do the needle moving exercises like strength training with a bit of HIIT (high-intensity) as well as Sprint interval training plus everyday movement. But sometimes I will talk to a client who is describing that they are exhausted they feel terrible after their workout. They can't just work through it and just get through the workout. This is something that can happen in midlife for different reasons and it's called exercise intolerance.


There can be many reasons for exercise intolerance, but don't hear me wrong, I'm not saying that you're intolerant to exercise because maybe you don't like it. That’s an excuse, but I'm talking about actual physical things that...

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Simplifying Success: How to avoid Meal planning mistakes

Jan 10, 2024 


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Ready to be bored to tears?

At least, I feel like you may be, but in the vein of staying real and showing you how to eat to lose weight in midlife….and keep it off.

Here’s a day in the life of my meals.


I am living proof that simple, boring systems do well to bring joy to your daily meals. Let’s explore the art of simplifying your meals so you are successful in midlife, lose extra weight, and boost your health to feel well. I’ll show you how to use practical strategies and keep meals simple yet incredibly satisfying.


The Power of Systems Over Goals

Picture this: a life where making healthy choices becomes second nature. It all starts with the realization that systems trump goals. Setting a goal is excellent, but without a system, reaching it can be a challenge. Years ago, I worked to build a habit of creating healthy yet easy meals for my family and myself. And I...

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Easy Hacks for Midlife Weight Loss Success

Dec 13, 2023 


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Let’s dive into something we know too well - how to deal with those extra pounds in our midlife journey.

Today, we're walking through all the Trim Healthy Mama plan components and how to follow it when you are in menopause. So, grab a cozy spot, and let's chat about how to make those midlife pounds say their goodbyes.


Making Friends with Trim Healthy

The Big Idea: Food Tag Teams for Weight Loss Magic

Trim Healthy is a great place to start at this stage in the game because it’s all about regulating certain fat-burning hormones so you can jump-start your weight loss. 

Following the Trim Healthy plan gives your body the micro and macronutrients needed to support your hormones, brain, and blood sugar. 

So let’s dive into Trim Healthy as your whole food approach to eating that eliminates sugar and white flour. This plan utilizes separating fats and healthy carbs, not in a low-...

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5 Tactics to Eat Right in Midlife and Boost Hormone Health

Dec 06, 2023 


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What foods do we need to eat to support hormones in midlife?


Great question. But first, let's clear the air: certain foods and supplements can help SUPPORT your body during hormonal changes but not balance them. You won't be able to increase your hormone levels with these foods, but you can find symptom relief and increase your weight loss potential.


The only way to bring your hormones back would be with bio-identical hormones, which we will talk about another time.


1. Unmask the Culprits: Processed Foods and Inflammatory Oils

[Avoid the Junk]

Midlife throws its curveballs, and one sneaky culprit is the temptation of processed foods. From tortilla chips to Oreos, these so-called 'non-food' items can seriously mess with your hormones. Processed foods wreak havoc on your overall health and blood sugar levels; they offer no nutritional value.

Choose wisely among on-plan oils such as olive,...

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4 Slimming Strategies: Eat Your Way to a Trim Midlife Belly

Nov 22, 2023 


If you’re feeling frustrated by your jeans feeling tighter or loosening your belt another notch, then you aren’t alone. A woman’s body goes through multiple changes between the ages of 40 and 60. Some of these changes you’ll notice (weight gain) and others you won’t (higher cortisol).


But often the result of both is the same - needing to buy larger jeans and an increased muffin top. 


Dealing with stubborn weight and a wider waistline was not my dream for midlife and I doubt it is yours. So let me walk you through 4 Strategies you can start to move toward a trim belly in midlife.

The Mindset Shift: Understanding the Power of Nutrition

There are specific reasons why we gain weight in midlife. Menopause isn’t all to blame. 


Age-related factors like decreased estrogen, loss of muscle mass, and increase in cortisol levels all play a part in the fat packing around your...

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3 Reasons Trim Healthy Wonā€™t Work in Midlife

Sep 20, 2023

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Midlife Challenges in Your Trim Healthy Journey

Back in 2012 a couple of my “besties,” Serene and Pearl, searched for answers to sustainable weight loss for women. As they figured out the best ways to fuel with foods for fat loss, I joined their plan and together we lost weight and regained our health. 

The plan (Trim Healthy Mama) they laid out for weight loss is excellent and works for women of all ages but as I’ve moved into my midlife years I’ve learned to make a few tweaks to the basic Trim Healthy plan to make weight loss easier with hormonal changes.

A key concept we often overlook in midlife is to eat plenty of protein. Protein is a key pillar of the Trim Healthy plan and continues to be of utmost importance through your...

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Undo Exercise Myths and Make Weight Loss Simple

Jun 07, 2023


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"I hate the belly fat that I have. I'm on bio-identical hormones and can't get rid of the tire. I don't want to go through surgery; I don't know what to do; please don't tell me to start running; I can't do it."


Does anyone else feel the same?


This question came from a member of my Peri/Menopause Trim Healthy Mama Community.


No, I'm not going to tell you to start running, and I'm not going to encourage you to exercise more. Or eat less. 


But there are multiple things that contribute to that spare tire/muffin top you are seeing. And a lot of it has to do with your age and your hormones. 


Extra fat is frustrating and a health risk for women, especially in midlife. 


The fat you see around your middle is most likely visceral...

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Menopause, Hormones & Belly Fat: Your Guide to a Leaner, Stronger Body

Apr 05, 2023

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If there's one thing I get asked about by women in the midlife season, it's "How do I get rid of belly fat?" 

I had the same question just a few years ago, and getting the answer was challenging. But thanks to the Trim Healthy eating plan, we have a shortcut to increase belly fat loss without deprivation and dieting.

Today on the podcast, I'll show you a few fundamental changes to make to your meal plan in menopause so you can reduce belly fat and feel better. It's like Trim Healthy Mama 2.0. The same basic principles of protein-centered meals but with a strong focus on your E (energizing) meals over your S (satisfying) meals. Because of declining hormones over 50 and sometimes younger, you need to fuel differently. You need fuel to turn on fat-burning, and as your hormones change, your fueling needs to change too. You can lose the extra belly fat, but you'll need to understand the hormones...

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Ready to get good at Juggling?

Oct 25, 2022

Trim Healthy Mama is not about obsessing or number counting. But having a few guidelines can help you bring your eating into balance. This can be especially important if you have gotten confused with all the chatter around about what you “should” and “should not” eat.


Your body craves balance. Blood sugar balance, fat balance, and carb balance.


With Trim Healthy Mama, you will bring your body into a place of healing and balance so it can release fat. You do this by cycling your fuels. Choosing a fat focus fuel (S-Satisfying) means you add healthy fats to your protein-focused meal but keep your carbs very low. A carb-focused meal (E-Energizing) is focused on a lean protein with added healthy carbs. Both meals should include good amounts of non-starchy veggies. Read here for a refresher on your fat & carb number guidelines.


Let’s take a look now at the Fuel Pull meal (FP). This meal will be centered around lean protein ...

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