Why is it so hard to lose weight?

Aug 16, 2022

Getting older isn’t all bad, in fact there are so many good things about increasing age. But weight gain, increased belly fat and stubborn weight are not a “good” part of getting older. Let’s discover the reasons behind the extra weight and why it can be so hard to lose.

It’s all about hormones. As women, we have been gifted with a plethora of amazing hormones, moving into the menopause season of life causes those hormones to start shifting to new levels. This shift is usually at the root of most of your frustration with weight loss.

While there are a ton of changes you can make on a daily basis to your diet and lifestyle I would highly recommend that you find a Functional medicine doctor to work with you so you can know the hard data behind your symptoms.


Here are some of the key areas to investigate for optimal fat loss:

  • Declining Estrogen levels - can cause your cortisol & androgen levels to increase. While hormonal balance isn’t...
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Tips to STOP Hormonal Weight Gain

Aug 02, 2022


So, what can you do about hormonal weight gain? 

Well, your plan of action will depend on what hormones are out of whack but these basic actions are a good place to start. 



When you are stressed, your body produces lots of cortisol to help alleviate the stress. That's why cortisol is called the stress hormone. Chronic stress can lead to weight gain insulin resistance, among other issues. Therefore, your first step to dealing with hormonal weight gain is to deal with the cause of your stress. Meditate, do yoga, practice mindfulness. Whatever you do, try to relax. The less stressed you feel, the better.   



If you have poor sleeping habits, it's time to work on that.  

People who sleep less have been shown to have higher BMIs. Try to get 7 or 8 hours of sleep a night. This will help regulate your hormones, returning your system to a healthy rhythm. Your body and your brain need to...

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9 Foods that Fight Hormonal Weight Gain

Jul 26, 2022


Ever fallen down the rabbit trail of shame and guilt when your weight starts to creep up on you and there doesn’t seem to be a good reason why?


Why is it that our first instinct is to blame ourselves for unexplained weight gain? 


But what if your weight gain isn’t about self-control or lack of exercise. What if the thing stopping you from shedding those extra pounds is like a plug in your drain keeping all the nasty dishwater stuck in your sink? You can’t shed the pounds until you figure out what is stopping your body from releasing that extra weight.


If you are dealing with unexplained weight problems, the chances are that your hormones are to blame. 


Let’s look at some common symptoms you may be experiencing if your hormones need support: 

  • Rapid weight gain (especially in belly, hips, thighs) 
  • Difficulty losing weight (even with a diet and exercise) 
  • Anxiety 
  • Craving carbohydrates...
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10 Factors that Inhibit Fat Loss

Jul 19, 2022
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Let’s talk about the factors that help you lose weight and those that keep you from losing weight.


Believe it or not the scale is not the best instrument to measure your fat loss. The scale is only one type of measurement, it’s just a piece of metal, it’s a tool that can give you data but it is only telling you one thing - pounds up, down or the same. Those numbers can be influenced by a number of factors so you can’t take this number too seriously.


Let me suggest 2 better ways to measure your actual weight or fat loss. Measuring your body and noticing how your clothes fit or using a smart scale will give you a more accurate picture or your weight. A smart scale, which I use, will tell you how much fat you have and how much lean muscle. Your goal is to increase your lean muscle and decrease your fat.




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