Midlife can bring about a host of challenges, but perhaps one of the most pervasive is the struggle with weight. With age, our metabolism slows down, and the routines we've stuck with for decades might not serve us anymore. But the journey to health isn’t just about the physical. It’s a mental challenge. If you’ve been lying to yourself about why can't lose weight or why Trim Healthy Mama won't work for you, now is the time to change your narrative. Let's dive into how you can cultivate a mindset for weight loss in midlife, one that is honest, encouraging, and transformative.
Sometimes, the biggest lies we tell are the ones we tell ourselves. These lies might include:
"I'm too old to change."
"This is just how my body is now."
"I've tried everything; nothing works for...
Menopause is an important season in a woman's life, often marked by drastic changes in the body and mind.
But, embracing a sustainable lifestyle, such as the Trim Healthy Mama (THM) plan, can turn these challenging years into a time of self-discovery, empowerment, and vibrant health.
Let’s uncover nuggets of wisdom from a recent roundtable interview, where women in the menopausal season shared their transformative journeys with the Feminine Freedom Pathway (FFP), a 6-month weight loss coaching program.
Danielle thought her struggle was not doing "enough." But over the course of her 6-month journey, she discovered the importance of self-compassion. Now she understands and uses the power of embracing...
Is hormone replacement therapy for every woman?
Aren't there more "natural" options?
The answer is yes, and yes.
Some women are not good candidates for hormone replacement therapy or aren't comfortable taking it; this might be due to a lack of education about the safety and protective benefits or availability.
But that doesn't mean you can't reduce or eliminate suffering from hormonal symptoms during menopause. You still have a lot to say about how you feel by implementing four ways to treat menopause.
But you won't get the protective benefits when you're not using bioidentical hormone therapy. Bioidentical hormone therapy can help treat menopause symptoms, providing protective benefits to you.
Menopause is a natural biological process. It marks...
Hitting menopause put me in a bad attitude.
I wasn't prepared.
I wasn't educated.
And I didn't care about mastering menopause since surviving this life change would be enough. Personally, I just wanted to cancel the whole thing.
You too?
I tend to always start things with a lousy attitude only to realize that it could be more helpful. And I miss all the good things in my challenging situation when I allow a bad mood.
All women experience hormonal shifts, and it's important to understand that what worked in your twenties, thirties, or forties won't be helpful to your lifestyle and eating plan as much now. This is due to a decline in key hormones.
You may notice this decline as hot flashes, night waking, and depression, or you might experience signs of hormone decline like decreased energy levels. Lower estrogen levels tend to...
For many of you, the biggest hindrance to following a Trim Healthy Mama fat loss food plan is..the plan?
Not that you don’t know what to eat or how to fuel your body well.
But the basics of choosing what to eat each meal and then planning it out becomes very complicated and overwhelming.
It doesn’t have to be this way!
Let’s make this easy & brainless. None of us in midlife need to be stressed about feeding our families or ourselves. It is time for you to make a plan for yourself. I know most of you are diligent to make sure your family and work have systems and plans set up, but I bet you don’t always make time to create the plan you need for yourself.
Your brain might be telling you that this will be hard, or that you don’t need this but we are going to override those unhelpful thoughts. “It’s too hard” limits you, and “I don’t know what I’m going to...
They don’t call menopause the big “change” for nothing!
There is truly an astounding amount of change that is happening in your body during this time. Changing hormones necessitates changing lifestyle and diet so let’s look at one of the most important things you can focus on every single day.
What you put on the end of your fork is the best place to start when you want better health, supported hormones, and fat loss. And a key change you can make in your everyday diet is to eat enough protein. This is not the time to limit your protein intake but it is a great season to expand the protein you do consume. First, you will choose animal protein, then fish, then choose plant protein options. A lot of the protein choices in this guide can be used for Energizing meals on the Trim Healthy Mama eating plan as long as your...
The GuateMama Java coffee is bursting with antioxidants and will give you that gentle boost you need in the morning without contaminants of mold or fungus. This amazing coffee is also certified organic.
Integral Collagen soothes your nervous system and aids in supporting your digestive system. What a great way to start your morning by adding this to your coffee.
Energy in the afternoon can be sadly lacking but when you sip on a cup of oolong you will receive a gentle energy lift while shrinking your fat cells.
Shop for your bundle at these great prices.
A great way to combat that inflammation is by...
Hormones play a large part of fat loss and I'm not just talking about estrogen, progesterone, testosterone or DHEA. I'm talking about all your hormones, but especially insulin, cortisol, thyroid, and estrogen. Those four hormones are really mack daddy hormones that contribute to weight loss.
The great thing about the Trim Healthy Mama plan is that everything that it stands for and all of the concepts the plan is based on help us with regulating blood sugar. There are some things though that need to change in our 40-plus season. These are the steps that we focus on in the Feminine Freedom path. Making these changes takes time and you might be frustrated with where you are right now. But if you can apply these principles, and you're consistent, then you can start shrinking fat cells, and you can see results. So I just want you to put on your patience.
The Trim Healthy Mama plan is our foundation, staying on plan is key but we tweak it for our...
What if you could love your menopausal body no matter what?
What if you knew that the symptoms you experience are just part of the menopause transition and they are taking you to a better place?
You do not have to be a victim to hormonal changes and crazy symptoms. You can have relief through this transition and support your body well while you manage your hormones.
Symptoms during menopause like joint pain, aches, hot flashes and trouble sleeping are usually temporary. But the better you treat yourself, the better you are going to feel.
When you were younger you could push self-care to the bottom of your priority list. That is no longer the case! Punishment & deprivation are out. Neglect of your needs and desires has had its day. This season is a time for you to love on your body.
I remember feeling anything but sane around the age of 40 when I suddenly started to gain belly fat.
What made it worse was even though I was faithfully eating on the Trim Healthy Mama plan, I was also experiencing:
>> Low-level anxiety
>> Lack of motivation
>> Low libido (no libido)
And having sleepless nights AGAIN- after all those sleepless nights with 9 babies.
My cycle was regular but my moods were unpredictable.
Brain fog set in as did some depression.
So, I went to my Gynecologist with my complaints and she gave me two options: the pill or an antidepressant.
And then she said this could last up to 10 years!!
I wasn’t willing to try either of these.
There had to be a better way.
I started researching and ended up joining a life coaching school that was teaching people how to “get control of their life and start creating the results they wanted”.
I learned...
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