Reclaim Motivation in Menopause for Powerful Resilience

Apr 24, 2024 


Apple Podcast - Spotify


Let’s talk about motivation…


Tip #1 - you do not have to FEEL motivated to take ACTION.


I like to look at motivation as something I can create with my thoughts. 


It would be great if we all felt motivated to do the things we know are good for us and will bring better health. Sadly, this is not how life works. But, by shifting away from how you feel and into creating motivation with your thoughts, you will be much more effective at reaching your health and weight loss goals.

Rethinking Motivation: Action Before Inspiration

How do you take action even when you don’t FEEL motivated?


When I am looking at whatever action I want to take, whether it's to work out with my weights, go for a walk, work on a project that I'm not super excited about, or make dinner, if I’m waiting for the feeling of motivation before I begin, it keeps me in a space of...

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How To Navigate Disappointment In Your Health Journey Setbacks

Jan 31, 2024 


Apple Podcast - Spotify



Life often brings disappointments, and today, I'm sharing my personal experience, particularly in the context of my health journey and recent Masterclass training. Disappointment is a common companion in our pursuits, whether it's achieving goals or navigating the challenges of a weight loss and health journey.


Understand Disappointment: It’s a 50/50 Reality

Disappointment is a universal part of life—a delicate balance between setbacks and successes, rejection and approval. We seldom discuss how to navigate and move through disappointment effectively. In my journey and with my clients, disappointment is a recurring theme, often rooted in unmet weight loss expectations.

Getting Real: My Disappointments

I'm getting personal today, sharing my disappointment with my latest master class. The first one didn't go as planned, and the recent experience has left me introspective. My goal is...

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How To Unlock Better Weight Loss In Menopause

Nov 01, 2023

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Apple Podcast - Spotify



Transformation. We toss this term around, but do we truly grasp its depth and power? 


Today, let's dive into the amazing process of transformation, particularly in the context of menopause. 


When you start on a transformation journey, whether it's a quest for weight loss, a newfound exercise routine, or the journey through menopause, our initial expectation often leans towards immediacy. We anticipate swift results, envisioning a rapid metamorphosis. However, real transformation is a patient artist, painting its masterpiece over time. It thrives on consistency, repetition, and the commitment to small, incremental improvements. This is where the magic lies and this is the long game we need to embrace.


The Importance of Transformation

Defining True Transformation

What does that mean? Transformation isn't merely about shedding physical weight; it's a shift in...

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Powerful Bonds from Vulnerable Weight Loss Confessions pt. 2

Jul 19, 2023

Music provided by: 


Apple Podcast - Spotify


Pearls from the Feminine Freedom Pathway Roundtable Podcast


Menopause is an important season in a woman's life, often marked by drastic changes in the body and mind. 


But, embracing a sustainable lifestyle, such as the Trim Healthy Mama (THM) plan, can turn these challenging years into a time of self-discovery, empowerment, and vibrant health. 


Let’s uncover nuggets of wisdom from a recent roundtable interview, where women in the menopausal season shared their transformative journeys with the Feminine Freedom Pathway (FFP), a 6-month weight loss coaching program.


Harnessing the Power of Kindness

Prioritizing Mental Wellbeing in Menopause


Danielle thought her struggle was not doing "enough." But over the course of her 6-month journey, she discovered the importance of self-compassion. Now she understands and uses the power of embracing...

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Overcoming Setbacks on Your Weight Loss Journey: Lessons from Anne

Apr 26, 2023


Music provided by: 


Apple Podcast - Spotify


Impossible goals are. the. worst. 


And Anne felt like her health and weight loss goals were…impossible. 


She couldn't stick to the Trim Healthy Mama plan long enough to get traction. So…how was she supposed to find success in health and weight loss?


Hopeless and feeling like she was shoveling snow in a blizzard (she would know, she lives in Canada) - Anne kept trying. Eating on plan but falling off as soon as "life" happened. 


"I did not believe I would be able to find success for my health and weight loss. It seemed completely unmanageable." - Anne


One day, she reached out to me after a mutual friend recommended Feminine Freedom Path, my 6-month Coaching program. 


Her hormone and weight loss struggles made her a great candidate for Feminine Freedom Path. Years of blaming and shaming her lack of commitment...

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Does Trim Healthy Mama work in Menopause?

Jan 17, 2023


Feeling confused?


Not sure what to eat?


Don’t know which Trim Healthy Mama fuels you should put on your menu plan?


Let’s get some clarity.


Optimizing your eating plan during the menopause transition is key to getting weight loss results. 


But, you can’t get those results if you are feeling confused, scattered, and overwhelmed.


Let me give you some peace, some security, and some confidence knowing that you are eating in a way that is blessing your body towards better health, vitality, and fat loss.


First, set your expectations correctly. You cannot be in a place of peace and kindness towards yourself if you are expecting to lose weight fast. Your body is special and needs the time it needs to heal and release extra fat. Give yourself the gift of time.


Next, stop the searching and questioning. The Trim Healthy Mama eating plan is hands-down the best weight loss LIFESTYLE approach. You can tweak it...

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Conquering Negative Self Talk

Dec 13, 2022

Low self-esteem can cause negative self-talk. This can further lower your self-esteem causing a vicious cycle where you continually feel bad about yourself. The good news is that you can change the way you talk to and about yourself. When you conquer negative self-talk, your self-esteem will improve. You’ll gain more self-confidence and you’ll feel more optimistic about your life in general. 

If you’re ready to break the cycle of negativity, you need to understand these essential truths. 


Actions follow thoughts, so your thoughts are important. 

Your actions always begin with your thoughts. If you think that you’re destined to be overweight, then it doesn’t matter how many diet books you buy or how many nutritionists you talk to, you’re still going to be overweight. You’ll stay overweight because you haven’t changed your mindset. 

If you want to change your life, you have to change your thoughts first....

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Lisa K's Transformation

Feb 09, 2020


December 2018 I made a decision that has changed my life. I had just turned 60. I have thyroid issues, lupus, chronic sinus issues and asthma. I hurt and felt miserable and really didn’t think I could lose weight. I had the trim Healthy books, had made some recipes but hadn’t fully followed. I first made a commitment to get off sugar. I also looked through the coaches online but didn’t find what I was looking for.
Then in January 2019 I listened to the post and Kris Perkerson Honeycutt was on talking about coaching. I felt God lead me to contact her. I followed that lead and on January 24 I had my first call.

It has been a year! I’ve gone from a size 18/20 in pants and 2x in tops to size 10 pants and M/L in tops. I’ve lost around 65 pounds. I feel so much better and can be active again.

I still have about 30 pounds to go. I’m so very thankful for this way of eating; for Pearl and Serenes research and commitment to clean products and for all...

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