How To Manage Weight Loss Expectations For The Best Midlife

Jan 03, 2024 

Apple Podcast - Spotify


Weight loss in midlife and beyond requires a new approach to see the results you are hoping for. Whether those results are less weight, fewer inches around your middle, more energy, or increased health and wellness, you must strap on some extra patience and set up your expectations more carefully than when you were younger.


There is a good possibility that you have hurdles and life situations making it hard to take care of yourself. You might feel confused and discouraged about why your body gains weight over 40 even though you are actively trying to lose.


Getting your expectations to align with your new reality is key to maintaining a positive commitment and engagement to meet your weight loss goals once you hit your 40s.


Expectations in midlife set you up for failure or success

I spent years reading and referring back to my "manual of expectations." I had a marriage, homeschooling,...

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Easy Hacks for Midlife Weight Loss Success

Dec 13, 2023 


Apple Podcast - Spotify


Let’s dive into something we know too well - how to deal with those extra pounds in our midlife journey.

Today, we're walking through all the Trim Healthy Mama plan components and how to follow it when you are in menopause. So, grab a cozy spot, and let's chat about how to make those midlife pounds say their goodbyes.


Making Friends with Trim Healthy

The Big Idea: Food Tag Teams for Weight Loss Magic

Trim Healthy is a great place to start at this stage in the game because it’s all about regulating certain fat-burning hormones so you can jump-start your weight loss. 

Following the Trim Healthy plan gives your body the micro and macronutrients needed to support your hormones, brain, and blood sugar. 

So let’s dive into Trim Healthy as your whole food approach to eating that eliminates sugar and white flour. This plan utilizes separating fats and healthy carbs, not in a low-...

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5 Tactics to Eat Right in Midlife and Boost Hormone Health

Dec 06, 2023 


Apple Podcast - Spotify


What foods do we need to eat to support hormones in midlife?


Great question. But first, let's clear the air: certain foods and supplements can help SUPPORT your body during hormonal changes but not balance them. You won't be able to increase your hormone levels with these foods, but you can find symptom relief and increase your weight loss potential.


The only way to bring your hormones back would be with bio-identical hormones, which we will talk about another time.


1. Unmask the Culprits: Processed Foods and Inflammatory Oils

[Avoid the Junk]

Midlife throws its curveballs, and one sneaky culprit is the temptation of processed foods. From tortilla chips to Oreos, these so-called 'non-food' items can seriously mess with your hormones. Processed foods wreak havoc on your overall health and blood sugar levels; they offer no nutritional value.

Choose wisely among on-plan oils such as olive,...

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4 Ways to Stay Motivated, Lose Weight and Exercise after 50

Nov 29, 2023


Apple Podcast - Spotify



Hello friends, let's talk today about tips to stay motivated and on track in midlife. 

This is a hot topic in my Facebook communities and conversations with many women. 


Why is it so hard to stay motivated?


It's more than lacking self-discipline or laziness. In fact, the number one reason might be due to declining hormones. When you lose your estrogen, you often lose your get-up-and-go. You might also notice less energy in your mood and need more motivation. Lack of sleep might be slowing your energy level down, as well as a decrease in testosterone. Testosterone is your "get 'er done" hormone, while progesterone contributes to better mood and optimism, but when these hormones are low or non-existent, feeling motivated will be an issue.


Or perhaps you're just feeling discouraged because losing weight after 50 takes longer and is more challenging than you expected, even if...

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Top 4 Tips that Shrunk my Midlife Belly Fat

Nov 15, 2023 


Apple Podcast - Spotify



When I hit menopause I felt like my body spiraled out of control. Everything fit differently, I lost my waist, and the jeans I grabbed out of my closet wouldn’t even button.


Can you believe this happened to someone consistently eating the Trim Healthy plan and exercising?


So, you might ask, if it can happen to you is there any hope for me?


The answer is yes!


Midlife weight gain and its stubbornness have less to do with eating perfectly and exercising daily than you might think. 


In fact, if you’re in your forties or above, there is a whole bunch of evidence pointing to your hormones being the root cause of extra fat around your belly than anything else.


Weight gain in midlife is not inevitable. 


But what you’ve been doing to lose weight in your twenties and thirties won’t work anymore!



Belly Fat after 50:...

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Powerful Mindset Shift: Reasons Belief Drives Your Midlife Weight Loss

Nov 08, 2023 


Apple Podcast - Spotify


Unlocking the secret to weight loss in midlife


Do you know the #1 needle mover exercise for weight loss in midlife? 

Are you ready to feel good again?


A winning and abundant mindset is your key. 


How your mindset is the key to success

Your mindset is like the railroad tracks laid down for the train to ride on and when you’ve got the railroad tracks you can just truck right along. Not without obstacles but you’ve got a path.


Let’s talk today about a mindset of consistency over perfection with the Trim Healthy Mama plan. 


Explore the power of a winning mindset and consistency

What mindset are you cultivating? An abundant mindset looks for possibility. It is a mindset that is pointed in the direction of believing and asking “What if this is possible?”


What you believe, you will create. If you believe you have to be...

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